Week 6: It’s All Coming Together

Hi! My name is Helen–the new Catherine replacement blog poster for this week. This week is the helen!!!!!!!!!!culmination of six weeks of hard work. The shooter is getting more and more accurate with each passing work session, the hanger subsystem is about to attach their mechanism to the robot, the drive base is finalized, and the control panel subsystem has put their final touches on their mechanism. The programming team is working hard to make sure all the code for the ball path is working perfectly as the electrical team finishes up the robot’s wiring. There is nothing that cannot be solved by this mighty team, and if there is, I am willfully ignoring it.

The bumper experts (a seasonal subteam!) have put the frames together, ensuring that our robot is protected against defense and all those other things on the field (including, but not limited to: walls). Personally, I think the bumpers are always the best part of the robot.

However, Miss Daisy XIX isn’t the only thing that’s coming together–it is all of team 341. Over the last six weeks, our team has gone through every joke and frustrating moment we can imagine. Yet, no matter how many sighs of exasperation there were in the process, week “0” is the most exciting week we’ve had so far. Finally, all of our long hours in the shop have put forth a robot we can test and improve before our first competition.

helen!!!!!!!Even though next Tuesday is what would have been “bag day”, we are free from that restriction. Although tensions are high, everyone is putting their best foot forward, and I am so proud of all of the progress we have made. Through all of this, we have managed to constantly support one another and have kept our expectations high. Additionally, our media team is just waiting to get their hands on the robot to shoot and edit our robot reveal. I can’t wait to see what they come up with, and I am so excited to show off our robot to the world!

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