Week Five: Smooth Sailing

This blogpost was written by Ryan B., Eugene J., and Hannah Y.

This week we’re preparing to take off! We’re almost done putting together our twin robot, and beginning to assemble the final mechanism. 

Since the intake has already finished their design, they redesigned parts this week and cut out plates to fabricate for the final mechanism. 52641028703_f5a1722b3c_b

Our energy in the shop has been mainly focused on finishing the arm and the wrist. We finished the wrist, but then it broke! Then we worked on the cable chain and CADed something to attach the cable chain to the wrist. 

Sparks were flying with Electrical as they were wiring the wrist and the arm for the twin robot.

Media did the usual: taking pictures. This week they started the end of season video, and have a special edition valentines day photos. 

We changed the arm into metal, and then added it to the twin robot. The programming team moved the arm. Now the arm can be set to a certain angle with the press of a button. 

The PR team successfully finished the Woodie Flowers and Deans List Essays. Good luck to our nominees for Woodie Flowers, Kirsten and Sean, and our Deans List Nominees, Tiffany L.  and Kevin L.

See you next week!

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