Chestnut Hill District Competition

by Christine V.

The Chestnut Hill District Competition was a weekend full of excitement and tension for the students and mentors of Miss Daisy! After improving our climber and tweaking other parts, Miss Daisy was ready to face her second competition of 2013.

2013 Chestnut Hill District CompetitionOn Friday morning, Miss Daisy was off to a great start that day; however, towards the end of the day, our poor robot’s motor burned out and started smoking! Thankfully, it was our last qualification match that day so we had time to replace the motor as well. We also faced problems with our shooter and tried to the best of our ability to play defense in some of the matches and ended up with a score of 6-2-0.

Throughout Saturday, Miss Daisy went through chaos, dealing with a broken shooter again for several of her matches. It was very hard on the mechanical and the drive team, but they pulled through and we entered alliance selections as the #2 seed. Our scouts did an amazing job and we were pleased to pick Team 225 and Team 1495! After much suspense and action, our alliance became the winner of the Chestnut Hill District Competition! This was also our second year in a row winning both Hatboro Horsham and Chestnut Hill. We also won the Excellence in Engineering Award!

2013 Chestnut Hill District CompetitionMiss Daisy had an exciting and awesome time at Chestnut Hill. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be heading down to Las Vegas! We’re looking forward to seeing the city and meeting the other teams there!

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